Become a Country Editor

Want to join our community of Country Editors?

  • We need help with building up information about getting short-term work for different skills in all sorts of places around the world. Our Work Wiki section is a wiki for this kind of information including visa requirements and attitudes to foreigners working in the local community .
  • We have over 50,000 travellers and hosts in the Working Traveller community now and growing daily. Between you all, you have a lot of information about getting work around the world and what visas you need to do that. If you share it all, it will help all of you and the future generations of working travellers who in return, will edit the wiki pages keeping them relevant and up to date.
  • Anyone signed in to the Working Traveller network can edit any county page, but not their country page.
  • We need country editors to oversee these updates and to make sure they are accurate and relevant to the working travelling community.

How to apply

  • To apply to become an editor of a region, country, or continent, go to the relevant page in the Work Wiki? section. Click on the green moderator button and apply there. The email below is just for questions and information.


  • You need to be a current member of Working Traveller and have been using your account for a while with a track record of editing some county pages before you can apply.
  • I have many requests from travellers wanting to be a country moderator who have not filled in their profiles. Please do not apply to be your country’s moderator until your profile is 100% complete and you have made some edits in your county page.
  • If you do not have an account, please register with Working Traveller first and use the form below to let us know any questions you may have before applying on the country’s home page and don’t forget to include a link to your profile so we can see the quality of your writing.


* indicates required field

Tick the work opportunity your are interested in below

Work and travel the world using your skills to gain work experience and references for a good job back home

Learn to earn your way around the world – gaining work experience & references for a good job when you get back home

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