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Affordable Gap Year Childcare Program in Haiti

Volunteering with children can be a valuable and rewarding gap year experience. Childcare projects are all about helping to improve the quality of life of impoverished Haitian children through teaching life skills and giving them the love and attention they crave. This can be done in many ways, from coaching sports activities to providing care and support in orphanages. Most of these projects do not require you to have any relevant skills and experience, although you need to have a passion for helping those less fortunate than others, as well as be understanding and open-minded to different cultures and attitudes. It also helps if you are kind, patient, caring and enjoy being around children. There are many children in Haiti who are poor, orphaned or neglected, and a care work project is an opportunity to take part in a worthwhile activity by making a significant and positive impact on the lives of underprivileged children. This type of project is also great for sharpening your More...skills if you are considering a career in childcare or care work in general. However, most projects will require you to aid with several or more of the following: Teaching academic subjects in classrooms at either nursery, primary or secondary school level Teaching sports Running after-school activities such as music, drawing, and painting Assisting with basic daily care of children, including cooking and cleaning Maintenance of schools and childcare centers Educating children in social skills and personal hygiene There are likely to be other duties involved that vary between different projects. We assure you that all our programs are operating under extremely safe and secured circumstances, where we’re ensuring proper social distancing, sanitization and other measures. Since your arrival at the PAP airport, your security during your stay with us in the country is our first priority. Hide

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Required Skills

  • Education
  • Caregiver for Children
  • French Language Teacher
  • Mathematics Teacher
  • Spanish Language Teacher
  • English Language Teacher
  • Painter (Creative)
  • Cooking
  • Teacher (Non-Language)
  • Networking/Information Technology (IT) Support
  • Caregiver for Adolescent/Teenagers

Languages spoken here

  • French - Advanced
  • English - Advanced
  • Spanish - Medium

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