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Aleksandra M



member since Jul 6 2019


My skills

- effective team work
- ability to organize work and time independently
- openness to people and new experiences

Languages Spoken

Polish (Mother Tongue) English (Medium) Russian (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

Currently oceanography student, biological specjalization

- active work in a student scientific club - organization and promotion scientific events, work with children
- volunteering at the music festival - helping guests and artists, working in a cafe, kitchen, information point and gift shop

About Me

I've always been fascinated by traveling and meeting new people and cultures. I love to learn and gain new experiences, self-development is one of the most important things for me.
My hobbies are graphics, drawings and crafts - creating beautiful things gives me a lot of satisfaction!
What is my big proffesional dream? Work with the sharks and other marine animals in some beautiful, exotic place in the world.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
