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Zenzile Carol Sanderson



member since Jul 17 2023

South African

My skills

I worked for Radio for more than 15 years as a journalist, Producer and Presenter prmoting African Music, Art, Books, african medicinal food and storyling. I am also a business women in the tourism industry. I motivate women to venture into business.

Languages Spoken

English (Advanced) Siswati (Mother Tongue)

Full CV / Resume

Year 2000 - 2004: I worked for Barberton Community Radio Station.
Year 2004 - 2011: SABC Radio as Current Affairs Producer and Presenter.
Year 2011 I started my own Businesses, a lodge, curio shop and clothing boutique.
Year 2016 - 2020 I worked as Radio Presenter promoting African Culture, Food, Books, Visual Art, Fashion and Women in Business.

About Me

I love traveling, story ling, stories through photography, collecting art, pottery, motivating women on business, perma culture, food experiences.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
