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Chian Hong

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Chian Hong Ho



member since Mar 22 2024


My skills

-Project Management



-Active listening

-Detail oriented

Languages Spoken

Chinese (Mother Tongue) English (Medium) Malay (Medium)

Full CV / Resume

1. In Technology Sdn. Bhd as Sr. Product Development Engineering Manager

Date Joined      : 3rd Oct 2000 to 30th Sep 2023

Job Description :

  • -Involved in early development for New Product Introduction from division to factory.

  • -Perform Design Validation to ensure new product has enough manufacturing margins.

  • -Monitoring and drive for achievement of customer engineering sample build, Product Prototype Qualification and Production Startup.

  • -Resolve product low yield and excursions through detailed product test and failure analysis at test program, test methodology and product/1st silicon level.

  • -Provide guidance and train up junior engineer adapt into product engineering environment.


  • -Work as desktop, mobile (South Bridge), server/ workstation/ printing imaging/ vehicle infotainment chipset (North bridge) Product Engineer.  Drive products for world class High Volume Manufacturing through cost, productivity and quality improvement.

  • -Sustaining legacy product healthiness to constantly maintain >98% test yield for >20WW consecutively in 2000.

  • -Turn on the flexibility bringing up 7 Schlumberger S9000 FX testers to increase Virtual Factory productivity for volume ramp in 2001.

  • -Work as a team, utilized In Fab capacity to allow customer sample build 30% of desktop volume for total saving of US$76M in 2002.

  • -Successfully challenge the status quo/ drive breakthrough to enable the 1st ever external Fab to meet PHI benchmark (Zero Burn-In, >98% yield, Cold Socket Elimination) in 2003.

  • -Fully support ramp of desktop chipset >37M kits shipped in <12 months and >100 million units ship < 2 years.  Yield improvement and Test Time Reduction aggressively increase run rate from 15ku to 45ku/sys/wk (>200%) within 1Q after new product startup in 2004.

  • -Outstanding contribution towards the development and delivery of A-0 Customer Sample and production startup in 2005.

  • -Actively involved in In Invention Disclosure with total of 17 IDF papers awarded in 2006.

  • -Achieving cold socket elimination well ahead of PRQ, maximizing HVM capacity and enabling Blackford Chipset PRQ in 2007.

  • -Outstanding commitment to task, customer orientation and Quality to Enable Vermilion Range for support of the Print Imaging Market in 2008.

  • -Enabled CMT new tester platform for Poulsbo-XL production qualification & startup in PG/KM.  Drive for product health indicator (DPM50) and fully support volume upside in 2009.

2. AIC Semiconductor Sdn Bhd as R & D Engineer

Date Joined      :  23rd Aug 1999                        Date Left          : 29th Sept 2000

Job Description :

        -Perform Full Development on New Package from Design Conceptualization to Manufacturing Introduction.  This involved but not limited to Equipment and Logistics Selection, Package Qualification and Process Optimization.

        -Co-ordinate Product Qualification execution.  Develop and delegate activities to teams and individuals, identify personnel requirements and role and responsibilities.

        -New Program setup from FOL to EOL per device specifications to enable Product Qualification activities.

        -Achieved flawless New Product Introduction Startup and Product Health Indicator improvement plan through DOE and engineering evaluations.

        -Liaison with high precision tooling vendor, BOM supplier in order to turned on mass production with most cost effective and utilization strategy.


-Established and optimized New Package Process and program setup From FOL such as Wafer Mount, Wafer Saw, Die Bond, and Wire Bond to EOL Molding, Ball Placement, Solder Reflow, Package Saw, Ink/Laser Mark station.

-Delivered New Package Qualification Report comprises of various product, for stack die, Multi Chip Module, BGA and Lead frame device.

-Perform tool conversion and setup from FOL to EOL station independently to enable New Package Qualification execution and evaluations.

-Team up with process engineer for Product Health improvement and optimization plan during product transition from development stage to mass production.

-Work with Vendor/supplier to ensure adequate IDM and new design jig for process optimization and improvement.

About Me


-Listening to music

-Watching movie



Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
