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Emilia Richnau



member since Nov 7 2015


My skills

Passionated dedicated and creative life enjoyer that thrives in business, sales, marketing and music. Working professionally to help boost the business in any way shape or form, thinking outside the box.
Professional music producer, composer, pianist, singer-songwriter that currently works as a music teacher inspiring young teenagers to follow their dreams.

Languages Spoken

Swedish (Mother Tongue) Spanish (Medium) Finnish (Beginner) Persian (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

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About Me

Born up in a wealthy family, seen both sides of the coin, lived in Spain, Finland, USA, UK, and Sweden. Learned about many different cultures, speaking a few languages, Spanish, English, Swedish, little Finnish, little Persian, etc.
My hard times has made me strong as a person and made me humble and sweet, yet the strong person that I am today.
I love and breath music, so on trips I just need to play the piano some times to get my abstinence fix.
I love to dance, especially salsa. My motto " dress like a start, there's always someone watching"

Where I am available for work and when

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