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akram ghazlane

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akram ghazlane



member since May 17 2023


My skills

I have vast hospitality experience, delivering exceptional customer service. With strong communication skills and customer understanding, I excel in sales. Diverse roles in the industry developed my teamwork abilities, working towards shared goals. Eager to leverage skills for team success<strong

Languages Spoken

Arabic (Mother Tongue) English (Medium) French (Beginner) German (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

About Me

Let me share my hobbies: bodybuilding and dancing. Bodybuilding is about pushing limits, transforming my physique, and building strength. It teaches me discipline and goal-setting. Dancing, on the other hand, is my expressive outlet. It lets me connect with music, move to various rhythms, and release stress. These hobbies complement each other, as bodybuilding enhances my dance performances.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
