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Johan Sirara



member since Jun 2 2016


My skills

I'm a mechanical engineer. I've worked with the top airplane and engine manufacturers in Europe. I am polyvalent, workshop and office position. I've worked in mechanical system optimisation. I have worked on engine safety and reliability, as a consultant between 4 major manufacturers we found the root cause of the failure, investigated the problem and classified the failure risk/ consequence. Some components of the engine needed to be redesign for safety and reliability purpose. I am oriented to the customer satisfaction.

Languages Spoken

French (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Spanish (Medium)

Full CV / Resume

October 2015 to Present - Engineer without border
1. Library construction and monitoring of electricity production from solar panel for a sustainable school in Guatemala.
2. Assistance for the installation of a microhydroelectric (5kW) for an eco-lodge in Nicaragua.

July to September 2015 - Bristol Energy Cooperative
Monitoring solar installation and connect meters to internet and collect data to detect fault and predict electrictal consumption.

December 2013 to September2015 -
1. Airplane engine Safety and Reliabilty.
In the development phase, I was responsible for the TP400 military engine Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action (FRACA) system. I processed the feedback from flight test into the product design. The engine’s reliability improved.
In service phase, I tracked and controlled the progression of engine incident and accident investigations.

About Me

After quitting my position in Europe, I am travelling in Central and South America. During this travel I am working with NGOs and charities to help the communities. It was in my vacation in Cuba where my vision on the world changed, at that time I was working for a corporation and decided that my skills can be put in practice to people more in need. I chose to start my 'charity engineer travel' in Guatemala because I was curious about the Mayan culture and wanted to experience the lifestyle with the indigenous. From Guatemala I am travelling south. During my alone time, early morning and evening, I like to seat and read non-fiction, realistic-fiction. Also it is nice to share time with new people in a pub or receiving people. In listen to every tour of music, but the genre needs to change every 20 minutes:)

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
