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Landon Whinery



member since Jun 25 2015


My skills

I am an artist that uses my creativity to help companies with marketing. I own and run my own production company, that comes up with different and successful marketing campaigns for businesses. I use the best equipment available to provide companies with visual media (videos & photography), that they will use on their own sites or social media platforms, to help promote their business.

Languages Spoken

No Language Set

Full CV / Resume

- I went to South Western Oklahoma State University for photography in 2005.
- Started full-time job in 2007 at a medical supply company.
- 2010 Quit job to Travel the West Coast of the United States and Canada.
- 2011 Started new job as a "Project Manager".
- 2011 Shifted rolls in the company to start heading up the Marketing department.
- 2013 Started my own production company that provides companies with different aspects of visual media for marketing.

A few different video I've done

About Me

I started off life as a wanderer. I grabs the things he is passionate about and takes off running with them full force. I is always perfecting my art whether it’s a basketball move, a rock climbing technique, or even a way to capture images. I am a pioneer of every industry I touch. I am an explorer at heart and desire to see as much of the world as possible. I am also married to a beautiful wife that has a desire to travel just as much as me.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
