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Stanley Stephens



member since Jul 25 2018


My skills

I am a multifaceted creative. I have experience working with all age groups of kids in not only education but in detention centers. I am an artist of all sorts. I also run a non profit with my wife. We provide a space for all to thrive rather than survive. We offer sessions to our clients where we provide a space for them to grow and recognize their truest self. We aim to help every person we meet find ways to thrive in their respective environments.

Languages Spoken

English (Advanced) Spanish (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

I have been a model, basketball player, and artist all of my life, but here are the positions I have held.

From 2010-2014 While attending college, I led a camp for children, I was a dean at a elementary school, and I worked overnight with "troubled" youth in New York city.

From 2014 - 2016 I continued my work with "troubled" youth and the elementary school.

From 2016 - 2017 I began work with catering.

2017-2018 I began clearing all jobs I was holding to pursue the opportunity of creating a non profit.

Currently: Working to create a better experience for everyone I interact with through the power of unconditional love.


About Me

I am an overall lover of life. I have multiple passions that usually make up my day. I am an artist of all sorts, including writing, painting, music, spoken word, and anything I can do to express myself. I play basketball, I act, I model, basically I cater to my(self) as much as I can in my free time. I love reading anything I can get my hands on. I just love doing anything I love doing (if that makes sense). I just aim to spread this love of life to anyone I can because I feel we all deserve to lead lives we love and are proud of.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
