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marilisa besana



member since Aug 9 2017


My skills

I'm a 8 years experienced graphic and motion designer, looking for professional and creative growth. I don't let a day go by without starting the softwares, using them both for work and for fun. My goal is to increase my skills in motion graphics and broadcast design.

Languages Spoken

Italian (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced)

Full CV / Resume

About Me

Hi! I'm Marilisa, an Italian motion designer. At the moment I'm living and working in Milan, an amazing city full of great people! I'm a very active person, but because of my full time job, I'm not able to travel as I wish. Luckily, reading books lets me discover stories and people all around the world. When I need to switch off my brain, i'll try to play sax (I'm a beginner, I'm still taking lessons). I played volleyball for several years. In spare time I love painting and drawing. I always attend art, photography and architecture exhibitions. I'm very talkative and easygoing, I love meet new people but at the same time I'm very polite and respectful of others private space.

Where I am available for work and when

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