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Meghana Kulhalli



member since Sep 28 2015


My skills

21. Architect to be. Insane desire to travel. Love eating, occasional cooking, sketching, innovative DIY and the likes

Languages Spoken

English (Advanced) Kannada (Mother Tongue) Hindi (Advanced) Marathi (Advanced) Spanish (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

Currently in my final year of my Bachelor's of Architecture degree. Love travelling and I wish I did more of it more often. Worked in design firms in and around the city. Currently working in Atkins as an Intern on an Infrastructure project.
I can sketch and help with graphic design and visualizations. I enjoy writing essays and articles and reading novels, things in history, culture, etc. I'm a quick learner and can fit into any work profile you hand to me.

About Me

I'm a shy person at first, but can talk for hours on end if you are as chatty as me. I love meeting new people, in an attempt to not be a wallflower any longer, getting to know them and anything they have to offer.
Enjoy writing about anything and everything, though I ever so slightly lack confidence in posting them for the World to see.
Love listening to music of all kinds, would love to continue taking up guitar lessons I dropped to focus on studies, hopefully sometime soon.
I never know what to do in my free time, so I dream endlessly about all the beautiful places in the world and hope and pray that I can some day see them in person instead of a never ending montage of pictures.
I think I am flexible and easy to approach and down to earth. Like being honest about things and hate being fussy and whiny about things.

Where I am available for work and when

There No Map
