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Nicole Gutzmann



member since May 26 2015


My skills

Hello! I'm Nicole and I am a visual effects artist living in LA. I've only lived here a year, I grew up in Florida where I also went to art college (RCAD). I travel a lot, I've been to Germany, France, Switzerland, Jamaica, Mexico, and Bahamas, as well as a large of places around the including Hawaii. I've spent time living in New York City and was born in Wisconsin! I spent my entire childhood as a competitive swimmer and I love all kinds of animals, from the ocean blue to the sky above! My favorite thing in the world is cloud formations and colors of sunset. 🙂

Languages Spoken

No Language Set

Full CV / Resume

I spent 12 years as a full time competitive swimmer, from age 6-18, swimming for the one YMCA swim team in the Nation, the Sarasota YMCA Sharks. This taught me perseverance, strength, will power, and determination. However, this childhood career could not contain, nor cradle, my creative mind. Once graduating high school I put my swim career behind me and committed myself to being a full time artist, gaining acceptance to one of the leading visual art colleges in the world, Ringling College of Art + Design. This taught me to be open-minded, accepting, and understanding of the world around me. I graduated there withy a degree in Motion Design, leaning the skills of a graphic designer and applying them to animation and working in motion graphics. My favorite work is visual effects, yet my skills are in anything from poster and logo design, to movie main title sequences. Since moving to LA I've landed a few jobs doing just that. Working with pitches and concept design for commercials and even following all the way though to final production. At the moment I am working for one of the oldest, most prestigious production companies in the industry, Digital Domain. For all I have accomplished and the many career paths I have been on, I crave travel and adventure. Being stuck behind a desk bores me and getting the true, gritty experience of another culture is what gets me excited. I am ver adventurous and don't get scared to easily. My physical hobbies are things like scuba diving, skiing, hiking, and surfing, but I have aspersions to do jay about anything! I also love being crafty and building things by hand, though I have minimal experece there, yet I am a very fast and eager learner!

About Me

I am 23 and ready to start adventure in my life before wanting to settle down and start a family. Family has always been a huge, important part of my life and I have a lot of empathy when it comes to people and their unconditionallove for each other. I'm a huge music fan, as I feel it always has a way of speaking to my emotions, saying the things I sometimes can't find the words to say. I am very open to all kinds of music from all different countries, though is still tend to lean towards the music in my own language. I do have aspirations to learn a new language, just haven't decided which one, maybe a little of everything! I love doing fun things and going to fun events, especially those in which I learn something new! I like to read when I want quite time. My favorite would be reading on a hammock by the ocean. Living in western civilization, I do tend to surround myself with the finer things as design and fashion are also interests of mine. Everything in moderation of course, but when traveling to places that are not as prosperous I can look a little out of place, however, I am very good at adapting and fitting into any situation with a little help and leadership. Being a city dweller doesn't stop me from getting my hands dirty! I am in support of living with the earth instead of just on the earth. My happy place is in Kaui, Hawaii as it is the greenest and most alive of all the Hawaiian islands. Getting lost in the forest there is like being in a fantasy land and I always try and do the non-conventional things there like finding hidden waterfalls to jump off of! I am trying to be a very spiritual person, however I feel I have only scratched the surface of what's out there. I love space and everything to do with how it lives and breaths and strongly believe in the energy in and around us all.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
