Work and Travel in Sverdlovskaya Oblast'

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Please edit this section to tell travellers what kinds of short term work is available in Sverdlovskaya Oblast' all year round. Mention skills that are in demand here more than other places. For example, if you can get some work as a translator in Sverdlovskaya Oblast' but it is as hard as anywhere else, don't list it. If it's a region in China that cannot get enough English translators.... I think you get the idea.



Citizens also need help in the kitchen garden ( to put the house in order after the winter, to improve the territory, to monitor the seedlings). In the cities are often in need of landscapers to plant trees, pick up trash, sweeping, painting fences),


Archaeological expedition starts every summer on the base of the local university. They grab you and transfer to deep Siberia. You will live in a camp, food and payment (near 1 euro in a day) included. Usually workers spend a mouth in expedition. You don't need any special skills for taking part. But I don't sure about opportunity for foreigners.
It's quite easy to find a house-keeping job. Sometimes, people have a nice summer cottage in the country but they are only able to come at weekends. They hire a person to "watch the perimeter", water the plants and feed their dog(-s) and/or cats. The pocket money depends on the status of the house owners. Some house-keepers earn good money, others are only provided with bed and food (and an excellent opportunity to live in a beautiful place, breathe fresh air, and get some experience in small-scale gardening).


What kinds of work are there in Sverdlovskaya Oblast' in autumn? Maybe it's harvest time, but do people need the help of foreigners for either cheap labour or expertise? This is the kind of thing we need to know here.


In the winter you need to remove the snow at any time of the year requires sellers and waiters.


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