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Elhadi Hamad Abass

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Elhadi Gumaa



member since Dec 7 2023


My skills

Availability To work 

I can do many things, as you see from my cv below, I have lots of experience and I have visa to stay in Saudi for one year


Personal skills and abilities

Good communication skills, fluent both in English and Arabic.

Highly motivated and hard-working person.

Able to work well under pressure to meet work deadlines.

Experience in security protective services

Strong IT skills

Research and development plans.

Problem solving skills and analysis and project and program management

Languages Spoken

Arabic (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced)

Full CV / Resume


Personal Details

Name                                          Elhadi Hamad Abass Gumaa

                                       56/120 Racecourse Rd Flemington Vic 3031

Mobile                                         0423945548



Relevant experience

Expert in project and program management, 17 years’ experience, working as a project manager, responsible for planning, coordinated staffs, volunteers, and deliver projects on time within budget to achieve the project outcome and completion and report back to funding departments. And working as Justice of the Peace for the State of Victoria.

Qualification and Skills

qualifications in Journalism and Media, Project Planning and Development, Identify Problems and needs, Develop Goals and Objectives, Design a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, Project Completion Report, General Management, and in particular Project and Program Management.


Building partnership

Developing community network

Recruiting volunteer

Maintaining good relations between organisations and members of a community

Providing written and verbal report

Facilitating negotiation and solve conflicts

Providing support for women's rights and empower women through training, education, employment, self-employment, and community engagement


Communicate well with a wide range of people at different levels, and I am highly committed to work, fluent in Arabic languages, technology, excellent in analyses, professional in writing, project evaluation, assessment and final reports, I am always willing to undertake any necessary training if needed.

Personal skills and abilities

Good communication skills, fluent both in English and Arabic.

Highly motivated and hard-working person.

Able to work well under pressure to meet work deadlines.

Experience in security protective services

Strong IT skills

Research and development plans.

Attention to detail

Problem solving skills and analysis and project and program management

Employment History

2005 – 2023

Job Title                Interpreter

Employer              Victoria Interpreting and Translation Services


Translation, e Interpreting, in person interpreting, and video interpreting, working very closely with women, kids, elderly people, young people, homeless, disable people, recreation programs, migrants, refugees, CALD, NEC, to settling in Australia, translation documents, advocacy, interpreting, and orientation to Australia.

2002 – 2022

Job Title                          Manger

Employer                        Multicultural Sudanese Centre


Community engagement, developing and planning activities for women, kids, elderly people, young people, homeless, disable people, recreation programs such as basketball, soccer, swimming, education program such as homework club and Arabic language school

Assisting newly arrived people, migrants, refugees, CALD, NEC, to settling in Australia such as housing, employment, childcare, aged care, translation, advocacy, interpreting, and orientation to Australia

Plan and Develop the Project Objectives and Aims

Monitor Project Progress and Set Deadlines

Solve Issues That Arise

Manage the Budget

Evaluate Project Performance.


Job Title                          Project Field Officer

Employer                        Australian Bureaus of Statistics


Delivering Census instructions and forms and by visiting households that have not yet responded.

Play a vital role as promote census participation and answer peoples’ questions.

Helping members of the public who need special support to complete the Census forms and return to ABS

Assist people who can speak a language other than English such as Arabic language

2007 – 2022

Job Title                          Justice of the Peace for the State of Victoria

Appointed                    by Honorary Justices in Victoria

Key abilities

Attesting to the execution of a document

Witnessing a statutory declaration

Witnessing an affidavit for use in court

Certifying true copies of an original document

Certifying a person’s identity

2005 - 2009

Job Title                         Teacher Aide & Special Needs

Employer                      Adult Multicultural Education Services 



Prepared resources and teaching materials and performing general administrative classroom tasks.

Supported students by implementing a range of teaching and learning strategies such as one-on-one instruction, co-operative learning, scaffolding, modelling and worked examples.

Supervision, class preparation, behavioral monitoring, taking attendance, paperwork management, translation materials and interpreting services.

1997 – 2001

Job Title                             Casual Journalist

Employer                            Khartoum Newspaper - Cairo, Egypt


Organising and arranging interview questions

Analysing weekly political articles


1986 – 1989

Job Title                                Editor Assistant

Employer                              El-Umma Newspaper - Khartoum, Egypt


Direct and supervise journalists who were covering important political, social, cultural, and sporting events

Responsible for filing and documenting sensitive correspondence

Further training and qualifications

2015                      Project and Program Management


2010                      Bachelor’s degree in General Management,


2005                      Certificate IV in Information Technology, Victoria University

2005                      Certificate III in Security Operations,

Complex Training Academy

2004                       Diploma of Security Risk Management,

Kangan Batman TAFE

2002                       Certificate III in Security Crowd Control, Victoria University

2000                       Diploma of Co-operation Management,

University of Workers, Cairo/ Egypt

1986                      Bachelor of Journalism and Media,

Omdurman University, Sudan

Professional experiences

Honorary, Justice of The Peace for The State of Victoria

Member of the 3ZZZ Radio Community (VIC)

Member of the Sudanese Journalists Association (Sudan)


Available upon request

About Me

Reading, sport, build relationship,

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
