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Pavel Alekseev



member since Apr 18 2015


My skills

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Country: Russian
Scope of activity: labouring, hospitality, language teaching, farming

Languages Spoken

Russian (Advanced) English (Advanced) German (Medium)

Full CV / Resume

I am a student of Russian Foreign Trade Academy majoring in foreign trade management. I have experience of working with customers in stressful conditions as well as working in a team, although I prefer working by myself or in small groups.

I also can easily manage most farm chores like lawn mowing and tasks connected with using hand- and electric tools such as wood sawing, painting, lacquering, sanding, filing, working with angle grinder etc.

Besides, I am a rather quick learner, so as long as you can show me, how the work is done, I'll most likely be able to do it.

About Me

I am a rather chill, level-headed and phlegmatic person. Most of my free time I'll be reading or exploring the neighbouring area. However, if I find people interested in exchanging culture and opinions, I might eagerly engage in a dialogue.

Where I am available for work and when

There No Map
