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Kiana Dabier



member since Jul 3 2015


My skills

Name: Kiana
Degree: Bachelors of Public Health/ Health Promotion
Date of Birth: 06/21/1993
Gender: Female
Nationality: Iranian American

Skills: basic farsi, french, haitian creole language skills; culturally sensitive; conflict resolution; good communicator; excellent people skills; experience with animals

Experience: Social media coordinator, Health educator, Hostess, Beauty consultant, Shop Manager, Event planner, Sales, Pet sitter, Nanny, Receptionist, and Case worker for refugee families.

Languages Spoken

No Language Set

Full CV / Resume

If you would like a copy of my full resume, please request one. 🙂

About Me

Things I LOVE: life, learning (about everything), nature, hiking, rock climbing, reading, eating (a lot), dancing, painting, sketching, driving, exploring, learning to think how someone else thinks, learning to live how someone else lives.

Music: I appreciate all music, but you can find me listening to almost anything except for metal, screamo, and country 🙂

Books: I am a HUGE Harry Potter nerd. Health books. Beauty books. Survival books. Plant books. Wilderness books. Cook books Inspirational books.

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
