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ambroise meylan



member since Jan 14 2019


My skills

I have worked part-time as a saler, in a small company in France. I lived for two years alone in an apartment, so I'm used to cooking, cleaning, house keeping, and I had three big dogs, so taking care of animals is something I quite enjoy. My skills from working in a company are welcoming clients, answering the , answering mails and solving problems when there are.

Languages Spoken

French (Mother Tongue) English (Advanced) Spanish (Medium) Japanese (Beginner)

Full CV / Resume

As said in the Brief CV, I have worked part-time in a small company for three months. I was welcoming clients, answering their calls and mails, giving them advice and selling them products we made (in the steel industry). I like better to take care of animals or cleaning, as dealing with customers can sometimes be  bothersome. I am looking for any type of work, as long as I can do it or somebody can teach me. I'm willing to work, willing to learn !

About Me

About me, I like watching animes, like naruto, one piece or fairy tail. I am not a big fan of tv shows, barely watch netflix at all. I spend a lot of time on youtube, or playing video games on my computer. I like reading and writing stories, though I am a complete beginner. I'm a bit shy when it comes to making friends, but it's not a problem when I work. I'm more of an introvert, I don't talk too much, but that doesn't mean I don"t like you ! It takes some time for me to become friend with someone, that's all !!

Where I am available for work and when

Available for work - Travelling - not available
