Work and Travel in Paredes de Coura

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Cluj is a busy city with lots going on. It is becoming an education hub for students from around the world who can study here at cheaper costs than studying in the rest of western Europe. So work as teachers, translators, helping all these people out with accommodation etc if you have their language may well help you find work in Cluj.



What kinds of work are available in the spring time in Paredes de Coura. Remember to keep work that is all year round in the section above and not mention it again here.


There are many bars in Cluj, 100's and they all need bar staff. Having english speaking staff may well be seen as cool to local Romanians so there is a good chance of getting work as a waiter or barman etc.


What kinds of work are there in Paredes de Coura in autumn? Maybe it's harvest time, but do people need the help of foreigners for either cheap labour or expertise? This is the kind of thing we need to know here.


Skiing in Paredes de Coura - does it exist? Is there plenty of opportunities for people to get work in Paredes de Coura in the winter? What kind of skills are needed at this time of year? Please update this section and let fellow travellers know what you have learnt if you have worked in Paredes de Coura in the winter or if you are a host and live here and can share your knowledge.


Romanians will be surprised you will be looking for work as… your from the outside and so must have money. Saying that they are not racist at all and will be honoured you are keen to do some work for them. Work permits and work visa as similar for the rest of europe, only here the attitude is very relaxed and contempt for the government here is high. So if your working for a few weeks you should be fine.

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  • Edited on Jan 2 2014 by

If you have worked in Paredes de Coura or live here. Instead of saying `That information is not right` Please sign up to Working Traveller by clicking here and update this page with your opinions on the subject and your views on what the barter points should be. If your a host, you will have a SEO link added to the page directly to your own web site so viewers can see who provided the information. If you are a traveller it will link to your profile.

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