Work and Travel in Elko

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Austin is a rapidly growing city in the heart of Texas. A liberal oasis in the Lone Star State, travelers come through for various festivals including Austin City Limits, SXSW, Formula One races, Fun Fun Fun Fest, and various music and film conferences throughout the year. Austin is a great place to stay if you feel like kicking off your shoes and drinking a beer around your favorite swimming hole while basking in the sun as Willie Nelson plays in the background. Work is available but not lucrative - though growing every day, the small town vibes stay and the city is really "who you know." Short-term work is available through various contractors, primarily W3 Event Staffing, and smaller gigs can be found through word-of-mouth, craigslist, or heading out on the pavement and asking the plethora of bars, restaurants, and venues if they need help.



Spring is the best time to find short-term work, as the SXSW festival comes through typically in the first week of March. This festival draws hundreds of thousands of industry professionals, musicians, fans, and people just looking for a good time. Bars around the city are packed whether they are an official venue or not. Typically restaurants and bars will hire barbacks, bartenders, security, etc. only for this week or until business returns to normal. Your best bet for getting a job is to go by each venue for SXSW and ask if they need help for the week. Of course, experience and references will be checked. You can also inquire with W3 Staffing for freelance security gigs around the city - this agency requires a short training course however and you will have to be in Austin before and after the conference as well.


Summer in Austin is HOT - typically well over 100 degrees for months. The only solace in this season is to swim, and therefore there are many seasonal jobs available for lifeguards and pool staff. Of course, you must complete a week-long lifeguarding course if you are not already certified. The pay is good, typically $10-15 and hour, and the perks of the job are unlimited access to swimming. The City of Austin employs thousands of lifeguards each summer, but there are numerous private pools around the city as well. Lifeguards are expected to work the entire season, typically May - September, but summer in Austin is a time where time slows down and priorities are set for another day, so if you can handle the heat it's a great time to visit and get some work.


Fall in Austin means "back to school" - a time when the 50,000 some odd students get back to their dorm rooms, dry out their swim suits and start studying again. This means apartments are hard to find but work is plentiful as students' schedules change. Your best bet for short-term work would be in the service industry or other jobs that students typically hold for the summer, like baby-sitting or pet-sitting. Check out and bulletins around campus and coffee shops for various work.


Winter in Austin is pleasant - temperatures are typically around 60-80 degrees with a few cold fronts per year. "Snow" is rare and happens every couple of years, half-an-inch means schools and businesses close and everyone goes 'sledding' on the 'snow' (aka mud). The day after a 'snow day' is usually in the 70s. Work opportunities in the winter slow down, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything that needs help. There are still various jobs - manual labor, service industry, tutoring, baby-sitting, etc - that are available if you can get them. Lots of students go home for winter break for temporary work is often available in December. The Holidays are always a popular time for short-term work, if you can work Christmas day there are many bars around the city that would love to have you on their team (bars stay open 365 days a week in Austin, but many workers take off for the holidays). Of course there are seasonal opportunities at retail and holiday-driven stores as well, check out the larger stores and boutiques around town if you have retail experience.


Austin is a very liberal, welcoming city to all people. Though foreign accents take us off-guard for a minute (five years ago we were still a small town), foreigners are seen as a welcome addition to our city and it's economy (as long as they tip!). If you don't have a US working visa work options will be limited (the same as anywhere in the US). However, off-the-books work can be found through tutoring (many students need language tutoring, if you know an instrument you can always find work), manual labor (painting, landscaping, moving, etc), and some part-time or short-term service industry jobs. Bulletin boards on campus and around town can provide a way to get your services out there. is also a great platform. If you have skills - massage therapy, bartending, languages - work can be found year-round if you look hard enough.

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  • Edited on Dec 5 2012 by Mimi

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