Our new work post will give you a possibility to explore the heart of Russia – Moscow. It became easier to get to know the daily life of local people and break all superstitions it’s surrounded by. If you apply for this position you will be able to live in Moscow flat (hosts offer a private room for a traveller) just in 40 minutes away from the heart of the capital of the country and to feel the rhythm of this huge ancient city even if for some time.
The Russian family would gladly accept you if you are nice and enthusiastic person. They will get you involved into their daily-life and will ask you to spend 4-5 hours per day with their children. No need to be a baby-sitter: any washing, feeding or changing diapers. Your main task is to play, communicate and teach English in a natural way, any special techniques or certificates aren’t required, just be yourself and get pleasure from spending time with children (age 4-7 year old).

You will live with them, eat with them, spend time with them and also explore the city by yourself, so if you have been always interested in exploring a mystery of the Russian soul – you are welcome 🙂
They would live to host an English native speaker and promise to teach Russian in exchange.
Sounds perfect for you? Please register a profile if you haven’t done it yet and contact our host directly.
Always follow your dreams!